Optimization visit
Have a specialist coming over to your plant
One-time optimization visit
In some situations, a one-time optimization visit provides you with just the reassurance you need to move forward.
Depending on a drive being idle or in operation, several things can be investigated for optimization purposes. A one-time optimization visit is recommended as an on-demand service, for instance for assets with a relatively low replacement cost and where early failure detection matters. Using the GBS early-detection sensor you gain more than an overall understanding of health. On the other side of the spectrum, a one-time optimization visit is advised for very unique assets for specific use, that already have an online monitoring system.
Routine optimization visit
A routinely scheduled inspection, possibly combined with an early-detection sensor, is a big step forward towards a maintenance strategy based on prediction, consequently leading to optimal machine availability. The difference with a one time, or once-a-year visit, is that with a routine data and results from the past can be incorporated in the analysis and report so that trends can be recognized that can help you plan for the future. Partnering up with GBS for your routinely scheduled inspections, on top of the expertise the Asset Optimization team has to offer, has the added advantage that GBS will 1) assist you in scheduling and will send reminders when inspections are due where necessary, 2) determine scope together with you so to set expectations and 3) create a customer specific and standardized report template where there is room to adopt for instance your corporate font, logo and things of that nature. The earlier mentioned GBS calculation tool will help you to determine what would be an effective and affordable inspections frequency in relation to the value of your asset.
Eligible assets for a routinely scheduled inspection usually have a higher replacement cost, are critical for the (production) process and are installed in environments with a high cost of downtime such as extruders and cranes, and in industries such as steel production and mining. For less critical applications, but of which large numbers of very similar assets are installed in the same location such as is the case with paper mills and material handling sites, sourcing multiple visits beforehand against an affordable rate – similar to a 10 class pass - makes a lot of sense.
Contact the Asset Optimization team via C.Burg@GBS.International if you think this service can help you to increase your machine availability.
Whether your machine is idle by choice or not; it is a situation that is suited perfectly for a videoscopic investigation into bearings and gearing, and for a visual inspection of various drive components such as lubrication pumps and coolers, in an effort to determine signs of (premature) wear or tear and its origin.
This service is often used in preparation for a future major overhaul or repair (dry-dock of a ship for instance) so the have the parts needed ready and available ahead of time, in seasonal industries (such as sugar campaigns), and on locations with limited oversight or irregular scheduled maintenance (like a waste water treatment facility). The deliverable is a professional report based on data collected, so that the inspected drive train can be used in the most optimal way possible. Additionally, the Optimization Visit can be expanded into for instance, an oil analysis. Please contact us via C.Burg@GBS.International for more information.
A drive train in operation opens up a world of possibilities for optimization. Making effective use of handheld vibration-, temperature- and sound- measuring equipment, combined with the visual inspection of other components where available and safe to do so, will result in an optimized overview of any wear or tear - its origin and future expectations - and can even provide insights in remaining available production capacity in the drive train for the future. When installed, this service is also ideal to confirm or double check any alarm generated by the early-detection sensor and therewith prevent future and potentially irreversible and expensive damages. The possibilities are endless, and we would love to consult with you to align wishes and expectations.
This optimization visit can be used for trouble-shooting, but also in combination with an inspection while idle for a complete one-time ‘bill of health’, and as a benchmark measurement for a future routine inspection regime set-up together with GBS. An expert report with a detailed overview with all measurements, and what they mean for your machine availability, is what you can expect from GBS as the final product.
Let us know via C.Burg@GBS.International if this is something you would be interested in.