Optimized potential
How can I reach my production targets, and what else can I use my machinery for?
How can I reach full potential of my existing machinery, and what else can I maybe do with it?
Increased output can be accomplished by stretching a production campaign and eliminate planned outages, or by changing parameters in the process so to increase and optimize production. The one requires a technical evaluation if based on trending, this is a realistic scenario – and if so how to prepare - and the other is an engineering topic. Asset Optimization can help you in determining which of the two options is the best fit for your challenge, and the most affordable against the lowest risk. The GBS pool of independent talent and experience can help you with this. Similar studies in the past have been performed for customers in the dredging industry, for cement customers and in the world of food & beverage.
How versatile is my equipment?
In grinding, extruding or conveying applications for instance, the subject material fed into the process and its temperature or composition (coarseness, density, etcetera) may differ depending on its source or a change in prior processes. Whether this is by choice or not, it may significantly impact the operating conditions of the drive train as it could very well not be originally designed for the resulting change in load or speed. For a coal mill, it makes a tremendous difference if conventional coal or pet coke is ground, in an extruder one degree difference in product temperature difference will impact the thrust load, for gypsum mills the balance of raw and recycled material can lead to torque spikes, and bigger rocks are heavier to transport than smaller ones. Fortunately, build-in thermal, electrical and mechanical safeties amongst many things in equipment design can be re-evaluated to see if there is any room for improvement in productivity, or changes in the process without jeopardizing reliability. Contact GBS for a Custom Optimization request and find out how versatile your drive is, and if it is safe for different use.