Testing facility
The most accurate data through real-life simulation
Test your gearbox under load up to 500kW and gain thorough insights in its capabilities.
Whether it is after an overhaul at our facility for quality control or for testing a special project; the GBS test stand can do it all.
All repaired and overhauled gear units are subjected to a non-load spin test to check all mechanical features, parameters, oil leakage, temperature, noise and proper functionality of all build-on accessories (pumps, sensors, etc.). Upon request we even take a baseline vibration measurement.
The test stand has the ability to perform testing under load as well and up to 500kW. A great variety of couplings, brackets, (water) cooling systems, a pressurized lubrication system and even a speed-up gear unit is available to accommodate what we feel the vast majority of requests we can expect. If your request is a bit out of the ordinary? No problem, we will make it work – our own in-house machine shop can facilitate and is flexible in its capacity.​
Testing under load is especially interesting for Custom Optimization projects, for instance to test if there is any additional load capacity left in the conveyor gear unit to move extra material, or if the GBS retrofitted cooling system provides sufficient capacity for the changed ambient conditions on site. The possibilities are endless. At GBS we are all about transparency; we want to show you that what we repaired or designed works, and you are cordially invited to witness that with us.
To monitor the gearboxes and collect all test data, GBS designed its own measurement and control system and with it is able to simulate real life load cycles. After every test-run a report is made with all general information, pictures, measurement points and resulting graphs. All connected sensors are logged. Should you have your own protocols for testing, or a specific template for reporting: let us know. It would not be the first time for us, and our team is flexible to meet your needs.
High speed gearbox project
Our testing facility tests gearboxes from all over the world. In February 2019, we overhauled a high speed gearbox from an oil platform in Asia and tested it before delivery to the commissioner. We put the project on film to give you an impression of what a project like this entails.